The importance of a professional Vietnamese voice over
Show You’re Sincere The right professional Vietnamese voice over can be reassuring. It can let people know that you’re honest. The voice you choose will be representing your company or your product. Vietnamese people want to know you are on the level and the way the words are delivered go a long way in reassuring them. Ford, and later Wal-Mart, didn’t just hire Mike Rowe for their commercials because of his distinct, opera-trained pipes. He represents honesty and hard work, and his voice carries that same essence. Even if you aren’t familiar with his TV shows, those qualities are present in his commercial voice over work. He doesn’t sound like a slick salesman. He sounds like your neighbor. Get Emotional How should people feel when watching your video? Confident? Concerned? Hopeful? Excited? Vietnamese voice artists can imbue the script with emotion. Professionals know where to pause and where to change the… Read More