VNVO Studio has a number of Vietnamese voice talent with Southern accent (Ho Chi Minh City). If your business target is South of Vietnam (i.e Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Vung Tau, Nha Trang etc.) the southern Vietnamese voice artists is the most suitable persons. In addition, if majority of your customers live in the South of Vietnam, this accent should be better as well. However, there is no strict requirement of using these two accents. Nowadays you can find many commercials on national TV channels that use southern accent, instead of northern accent. This is because, compared to northern accent, southern accent is softer and a bit more attractive even for the northern people. So basically, you can use either southern accent or northern accent (which is the standard accent) for voice over if your business target is the whole country.

Which types of voice over are you looking for specifically?

Please listen to the demos of our Vietnamese voice talents below and let us know your preferred voice actor. Each Vietnamese voice artist has specific rate. Please contact us so we  can send more update voice samples and recommend you the most suitable voice artists.

Live sessions and free demo available!

Talent 1: Sample 1

Talent 1: Sample 2

Talent 1: Sample 3

Talent 2: Sample 1

Talent 2: Sample 2

Talent 2: Sample 3

Talent 3: Sample 1

Talent 3: Sample 2

Talent 3: Sample 3

Talent 4: Sample 1

Talent 4: Sample 2

Talent 4: Sample 3

Talent 5: Sample 1

Talent 5: Sample 2

Talent 5: Sample 3

Talent 6: Sample 1

Talent 6: Sample 2

Talent 6: Sample 3

Talent 7: Sample 1

Talent 7: Sample 2

Talent 7: Sample 3