20 Tips to Record Professional Vietnamese Voice Overs
Vietnamese voice overs require more than just getting a microphone and talking. They are about transmitting a message and making the listener feel something. Whether you’re voicing a character or announcing the latest smartphone, the main goal of professional voice overs is to always get information across effectively, while bringing the Vietnamese listener in and making them feel comfortable with your voice. In this blog, I will give you 20 tips to record professional voice overs in Vietnam, even from the comfort of your home. Let’s begin: Warm Up Your Voice Before grabbing your microphone and hitting the record button, there are certain things you can do to ensure your recordings will sound professional. I’d recommend you start with some Vietnamese vocal warm-up exercises. Start with some breathing exercises, then sing musical scales. The Script It’s a great piece of advice to familiarize yourself from the beginning with what you are about to… Read More