The best voice over exercises for Vietnamese voice artist

Start low, breath correctly As a Vietnamese voice artist, your breath comes from the descending of your diaphragm, the floor between your lungs and heart and your abdominal cavity where you have a bunch of more slimy organs like the pancreas, spleen, and stomach. As the diaphragm pulls down, it creates low pressure inside your lungs, which sucks in the air. When you breathe out, the diaphragm pushes back up, expelling the air. Your lungs don’t contract and expand by themselves. Too often people try to suck air in by lifting their shoulders, but if the diaphragm doesn’t move, you don’t breath. And your breath is what vibrates your vocal chords, so nothing vocal happens without it. Exercise: Find a counter or sturdy table that is about as high as 2-3 inches above your belly button. Lean on it so that your weight is resting on your stomach. Using only the force of your… Read More